Monday, October 5, 2009

Rest Well - for Tomorrow.....

everybody has had a different kind of day today. From people to people, long sighs of relief, grumblings from tasks, "Queen of the Day" stories shared amongst peers. I am not sure what brought it on, but today has been funky.

Today, I tried something new. I have been unable to sit down and plan out our week, so this morning (while taking Sidney into the doctor for further allergy testing), i called home and told both Simon and Lucy that today was all about them. They were to write down their own school schedule and figure out how to get from point A to point B competely on thier time.

Lucy took this on as a great independent challenge. She got out a clean piece of lined paper, she wrote out her schedule with 'cross off' boxes and even had a couple of responsibilities for me. It was interesting to see what she had left out of her day and as well as the items that she put in the forefront. She did quite well for herself and continued on wiih her day even upon my arrival home.

Simon, on the other hand (funny, that Simon typically follows with something like..'on the other hand'), Simon conducted his day within the easiest of frame works. He blogged and he read. By the time I got home, he was closing off the computer and running up to me to ask if I wanted to duel him in Yi-Gi-Oh. By the way - on his blog, he writes that he will be partaking in 'Strageic Games,' this is Yu-Gi-Oh. It is more strategic, but the boy knows it backwards and forwards and I haven't a what is the strategy in that?

I reminded him of his writing assignment due the next day. I reminded him of his math page that needed to be completed. I reminded him of his box of books that needed his attention. With minor hesitancy, he gets to his writing assignment - pays his dues, puts the laptop aside and approaches me for the awaited Yu-Gi-Oh game. The effort was half baked - at best. There were tears on his part for all he really wanted to do was play Yu-Gi-Oh. The child has yet to learn that a job well done comes with great benefits. I am having fun with this one. he is my personal challenge. next week, we will once again, revisit his GOAL sheet and as I edit it to tailor to his persona - there will be much personal accountability. I can't wait.

Tomorrow will be much to write about as well as showcase it's activity through visual representation.
10:00 Writing Class
12:00 Native Plants Class at the Arboretum
2:00 Art Class - Parent lead
4:00 Twins playoff baseball game
8:00 home and in bed. Two soccer games will be sacrificed.